Thursday, January 24, 2008

out of boredom;p

i am so effiing bored rite i made dis so more dvd's to watch..m dying out of boredom..ughhhhhhhhh..dis is from last year's n loud acoustic..had tons of fun..yup n i lost my mp3 der coz i ran from d seats coz nk kejar JAMES MORRISON coz he was singing the last song the last goodbye..n pactically left d mp3 der but there's an upside naseb baik dpt tgk die dkt2 kalu x lglaa sedih...m so forgetful..but not as forgetful as shigim n ayin..btw ayin kinda lost her hp yesterday..n guess wut mummy found it..IN THE CHILLER IN A PLASTIC BAG YG ADE crazy is dat?bangang gle..i guess it was kinda my fault..but m not sure bout it actually..mayb i was d one hu put d hp in d plastic bag..m not sure bout it..coz i kinda hv short term memory loss.. ;p enuff least ayin dh jumpe..there were like 20 misscalls..haha..mummy called,i called,shigim called..rupe2nye d hp was in d house all along..igtkn dh kene curik ke ape..betta not b tht forgetful..i juz watched chasing liberty..mandy moore was d first daughter..kinda rebellious..met a guy..fell in luv..n her father the us president is kinda like a control she fell in luv with dis guy tht turn out to b one of her's father's bodyguard..blablabla..hepy ending..biasela romantic comedy always has a happy ending..but i still luv them plus d guy in tht movie is a HOTTIE!!!plus his british accent is so hot n sgt mencairkan hati..ughh tht sounded cheesy n corny..haha!!wuteves..m still a sucker fer romantic comedies:) i fink i betta go to sleep now..if not i will nvr wake up early 2moroe..huhu..n mummy's gonna b really mad if i wake up to have my beauty rest :)


Nice Guy said...

Make more novelty magazine covers @, ten times the fun!

Aceeah said...

your to make the frst move.
wowo jujue.ahahaha ;D