Saturday, April 18, 2009

Di sini ku menanti...

Tomorrow,season 2 of Ghost the series would be airing.i'm sooo excited.too bad i can't watch it on tv because i don't think here in this block there's a tv room.haih.too bad,but i would probably get to watch it on catch up tv.erm computer exam was oklaa just now.i managed to answer all the questions but i'm not sure whether i answered correctly or not.

whateveslaa.what is done is can never change the past.currently i'm in my room dying out of boredom.can you actually die out of boredom?hmm..i wonder.i guess you can.yea,i mean when you are too bored and don't know what to do with might as well kill yourself rather than doing nothing.okay,that is total crap.i don't even know what i'm saying.haha.ignore it!

i recently read azura's blog and i found some of her word rather interesting

Jealous towards Juju when her mother calls her everyday

i never thought someone would be jealous of that.hehs.i guess i'm used to it.last time back in my days in ssp i use to call her every single day.but now it goes the other way round:)when i was in ssp,i've always felt homesick maybe because of the teachers stressing on us to study,don't bully the juniors and bla..bla.bla..the seniors are always the ones to be blamed when i hear my mum's voice i would feel much2 better like all the troubles are gone.she can always talk some senses with me when i was having some probs(= i love yoouuu so much mummy<33

A week ago i passed by my old school and i had all this fleeting images running through my brains like a movie of all the days when i was in school.i miss that bloody school!maybe life back then was less complicated.well actually i think when u grow older you would see things that has pass as un-complicated because you've beeen through it all.there's just too many sweet and bitter memories there.i guess i would always remember teacher's all of us had to stay up untill 5 a.m (i guess) to finish preparing the very special day for teachers..running away from the 'pak guards' was soo hillarious.i felt like someone who just escaped from they say Memories shall never fade away=).unless if you have amnesialaa.ahhaaha.okay2.that should have not been said=p

tonight i'll be going out for dinner with nawal,azura,syakira,ita and yana.i hope ita would feel much better after she's taken her meds.right now she's sleeping it off.hope you feel much better=)sorry,because i think it was my fault that she now has a bad flu because i'm sleeping right next to her.might be she caught the germs while i was sleeping.maybe..i'll have to wake her up after this it's nearly 6.30 pm already.i'll end this post with a video-(the theme song of ghost)Masih Jua