Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sometimes you're closest friend is your greatest enemy..

I've been hopping from one person to another this past few weeks.I don't know what's wrong me or maybe it has something to do with the people around me.haih.seriously i just don't know.Sometimes,when you depend too much on certain people and thinking that one day they might need u back,well i'd say that is half-true.

Who am I to judge all these people right?I'm just a normal human being who has flaws too and i can't expect them to be all perfect like things that you can just click on it and program it . I can't make them to things that they don't want to do or worse force them into doing it.So i would opt for doing the things that i want to do alone.

They say that misery loves company.what if you're miserable and there's no one that you can turn to.Misery does not love company okay. i just don't get it. You might think that i sound like a whiny bitch. Whatever,sometimes you need to let it all out and you would feel slightly better.

I know i should be grateful to the friend that is always there to listen to all of my crappy stories.No need for names to be mentioned here because i think you know who you are;) As for the rest, I just don't know what to say.Well maybe,i guess i should just forget all this ever happened,let it be.

This is something i got from google

As quoted by Waqas Ahmad

"Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks".

Maybe,just maybe they don't realize that they're actually hurting you when they are pleasing others. Is it jealousy?hmm.i'm not sure.I need to keep my mind off things that would just distract me.Hence i should just put on a fake smile and act like the others.should i?or should not?haha.WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

Sometimes i wish i could do things that my alter ego would do.That is sooooo not happening.or even do the things that the little voice inside my head ask me to do.Okay once in a while you can use it but not all the time.I don't know what people would think of me if i were to act like my alter ego.that's a funny yet thrilling thought.

What more to say?I should be more optimistic not pessimistic,concentrate more on the classes rather than other than remembering things that is complicated.I'd better stop stop writing about this,i'm afraid that it might be too transparent.I would like to end my entry with a quote that i was quite fond of =D

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
C. S. Lewis


zayer said...

well,itulah namanya the real frenship..ship??mungkin akan tenggelam wpun org ckp ship yg takkan tenggelam mcm titanic tetap tenggelam gak..mcm relationship,it ends wif 'ship' jugak..huhu..sekadar nak bg hurmm i think comment tak layak kot bg pendapat lah senang..just have fun lah jujue,u r a great person..^^

Zulaika Shamin said...

thanks zaer ;D