Monday, June 8, 2009


i'm currently in the cc now at ukay perdana which is just 5 minutes drive from my house.the laptop is still broken down =( something to do with the overheating.something like that.guess part of it is my fault coz always go online till 3 to 4 hours.heee~

so now have to pay the pricela.luckily today no bdk kampung bising in the cc.if not,it would be so damn annoying.seriously,with their loud cursing in bahasa which is oh-so-annoying.luckily no signs of them today.fiuh;p

currently missing all my friends in nilai=(syakira,atiyyah,nawal and guys are the best!luv you guys to the max.that is what azura always sed.hmmm.wut more to mind is kinda blank ryte now.when i get my lappie back i promise i'll blog more.i'll end this post with a video by Ana Raffali, Fynn Jamal & Wani Ardy - Si Gadis (TigaVenus),during the hari bintang jatuh:3 venus event.till revior~