Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear John .... =)

Dear bloggie :) Dear John was such an amazing movie,but yeah nothing beats A Walk to Remember.But still I loved it,plus there's CHANNING TATUM in the movie.I mean who doesn't like him right with his intense eyes and buff bod,dayyum!:D Its pretty much a hearbreaking tale between the two characters,John and Savannah.But what saddens me most is that of the relationship of John and his father that one scene in the movie that made me tear up a bit.Oh Amanda Seyfriend played Savannah.I'll always remember her as the girl from mean girls who can tell the wheather with her boobs.LOL!But I know I gotta give her props she's been playing in a lot of movie like Mamma Mia and Jennifer's Body.Quite an achievement from the girl who used to be a dumb blonde from a teenage movie :PP

Okay let's get back to the movie :) Hehe,but I'm not gonna talk much.I'm just gonna quote some of the lines from the movie.

The moon’s size doesn’t ever change,
only your perspective does. When
it’s against the horizon, it looks
like it’s enormous, but if you shut
one of your eyes... and hold out
your hand like this...

John asked Savannah to close one eye and use her thumb to close the moon and from their perspective it is as if the moon disapears behinds it and John says that ...

No matter where it is in the sky...
No matter where you are in the
world... the moon is never bigger
than your thumb.
Typical kiss in the rain scene ;)

This scene made me cry :'(

You guys have got to watch this movie because it is worth watching I must say :))

I guess that's all from me.Toodloo~I'll see you soon then ;))


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